Why Love is the Point


Valentine's Day. It is the one day each year dedicated to celebrating love. It is an opportunity to celebrate love in all its forms, through marriage, through family, through friendship. And is that ever a deserving thing to celebrate. Because love. Love can change everything.

We can spend our entire lifetimes doing whatever it is that fills our lives, whether it be work, taking care of our children, managing responsibilities, knocking out the to-do list. And it is not necessarily about the things we do, it is about how much love we throw into the things we focus on and put our hands to.

Because at the end of the day, love is the point.

We can have all the success in the world, all the money in our bank account, all the fame to our name, but if we do not have love, what have we really done with all of what we've been given? It is not always about what we do for people, but sometimes people just want to feel something; they want to be seen, they want to be loved, they want to know they're beautiful or enough.

It comes down to whether we look someone in the eyes, whether we acknowledge people as gifts, whether we invest into our marriage with time, whether we tell our kids we love them or whether we use our passions to make the world a better place.

Sometimes I think that the only thing we can really leave as a legacy, that really remains forever is love. Because you love the world and someone is changed by that, they'll go on to love others. It is a cycle that repeats itself over and over. And the love we receive from God, the love we give back to Him. That sits in eternity forever. That is a moment that never ends.

So this Valentine's Day, what if we think about how we are loving people, how we are loving God, how we are loving whoever is in front of us right now?

Because love. Love changes everything.


So Dearly Loved


Family is More Than Blood