The Legacy of Photographs

I’m sure you know that feeling, when you look at photographs from when your Mom was little, when your Grandma was first going to school, when your Great-Grandma was being married, and your heart glows? That somehow there is this connection that you feel just in having those pictures with worn-out edges and corners sitting in your palm.

This hunger awakens inside of you to know how it was like for them and to somehow relive it with them in mind. And that if they made it through, if they endured, if they lived life with passion and heart, if they persevered in every season, you can too.

Pictures aren’t just mementos, they are monuments of hope for every passing generation.

And they are worth printing. They are worth displaying in your home and in the homes of the people you love. One day your children’s children will feel that same connection you did, when they hold your portraits in their hands.

About This Sweet Family

This is Amy, Chris, Ferris & Edison.

Amy wanted images of her family that felt natural. Images that showed their personalities and the love they feel for each other.

If you read my blog often you’ll recognize this sweet family as I’ve photographed them nine times. Check out how much Edison has grown since her newborn photo session.

I love that Ferris and Edison recognize me, and are comfortable around me. I love that I can get their personalities to shine through in their images. Every time we get together it’s magic!

We’re adding to their gallery wall and I cannot wait for Amy to see these gorgeous family memories in print!

Clothing provided by the studio wardrobe.


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Hi there, I'm Karen! I am obsessed with newborn baby yawns, giggling kids, and fancy flavoured tea. I'm a mama of four who understands the busyness of everyday life and I've learned how to embrace and enjoy the beauty of it through lifestyle photography. I know what it’s like to look back on my children’s first years and feel like they flew by so quickly. I don’t want any other mamas to forget what their baby’s little fingers and toes looked like all curled up. My hope is that I can help you create albums and prints to serve as physical reminders of these sweet times throughout your baby’s early years. Contact me for info.


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