7 Ways to Slow Down and Enjoy Motherhood


Motherhood is a journey, and we get to choose the pace.

If you’ve ever wished you could slow down time or felt like time with your child is just going by way too fast, this is for you. I’m not a parenting expert, but as a mom of four, I’ve learned a few things along the way. 

These are a few small habits I’ve incorporated into my life to help me slow things down and truly enjoy being a mom.

How to slow down and enjoy motherhood
studio milestone photography session
Niagara baby photographer

7 Ways to Slow Down and Enjoy Being a Mom

1. Commit to 10 Minutes of “Me Time” - As moms, we put everyone else first. Can you find even just 10 minutes every day to put yourself first? This will look different for every mom, so here are a few ideas: reading a book, listening to a podcast, meditating, stretching, journaling, or taking a short walk. 

How to slow down and enjoy motherhood
studio milestone photography session
Niagara baby photographer

2. Create a Snuggly, Peaceful Bedtime Routine - Create a peaceful bedtime routine that will wind down your baby for sleep and allow for connection. Maybe it’s as simple as bath, bottle, books, and bed. As you rock your baby and read a few books, allow yourself to soak in the moment. 

3. Add Movement to Your Day - Taking care of yourself will only not only benefit you but your entire family as well. Carve out time for exercise each week and stick to it. You could sign up for a class nearby. Some mamas will plan on long walks with their babies. There’s no wrong way to add movement.

How to slow down and enjoy motherhood

4. Present Playtime - Get down on the floor and play with your baby! Even just 5-10 minutes of present, focused playtime will help you bond with your baby and learn more about her personality. 

5. Create Phone Boundaries - Our phones are part of our lives, but they don’t have to run our lives. Create healthy phone boundaries that work for your family. Can you silence your phone during your playtime and movement? Can you leave your phone in another room during dinner or bedtime? You’ll feel more connected and present while modeling healthy phone boundaries to your kids. 

How to slow down and enjoy motherhood

6. Incorporate Gratitude into Your Day - Studies show that incorporating gratitude leads to feeling happier and more connected to your loved ones. This can be as simple as saying something you’re grateful for at dinner or journaling something you’re thankful for during your me time.

7. Be In the Photos - You’ll probably take thousands of photos of your sweet baby with your phone. But how many will you be in? Taking the time to be in the photos with your baby will be a gift that you and your child will treasure forever.

How to slow down and enjoy motherhood
Niagara baby photographer

6-Month Milestone Photography

The time between when your baby is a newborn to when they turn one will go by faster than you’d love. The 6-month milestone session is the perfect opportunity to slow down and spend time with your baby. I encourage my mamas to be part of every session with their babies so that I can capture their special bond. Looking at these portraits will show you how much your baby loves you.

Niagara Baby Photographer 

Each baby photography session in my Grimsby, ON studio is lovingly crafted around taking care of you. I want to take all of the details of your session off your plate so that you can just show up and enjoy the experience with your sweet girl. It’s what I would have wanted to experience when I was a young mom. If you have any questions or wish to schedule your consultation, please send me a message here. 

Niagara baby photographer

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