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Maternity, Studio Photography Reflections Maternity, Studio Photography Reflections

Blind Love

For Aisling and Wayne, the greatest loves in their lives are blind. They took the first steps towards those loves without seeing, without knowing, and just trusting. Aisling and Wayne met on a blind date. They grew and nurtured their love from that day forward.

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Baby, Family Reflections Baby, Family Reflections

Mama's Day Petite Sessions

Recently, Reflections of Life Photography went on location to the Happy Baby Shop to hold Mama's Day Petite Sessions. I love doing these special sessions because it gets the mamas out there in front of the camera with their little ones instead of behind it.

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Family, Newborn Reflections Family, Newborn Reflections

Life's Portraits

The first thing that probably comes to mind when you hear the word "portrait" is a portrait of a person, or a portrait of a family. A formal photograph. But what about life's portraits? Is it the the collection of portraits throughout our lives, or is it something more?

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