Five simple steps to make your baby's first year memorable


The first year of your baby's life is full of growth, bonding and magical milestones. But those moments can pass by quickly — so how can we make this year memorable?

This time in your motherhood journey is full of joyful moments, as well as a lot of responsibilities and new demands. When your days are chaotic, the last thing you're thinking about is taking photos every day to make sure you don't miss a memory.

These five simple steps will help celebrate the major milestones in your baby's first-year development. You can reflect back on the magic without feeling like you missed out on any important moments.

These milestones are covered in my First Year Collective package: a new service to help you capture these precious memories. You can be a part of your baby's story, enjoy each leap and forget about the stress of documenting every moment.

Family Spotlight: the Phans

Kathy, Eddie, and baby boy Tyberius (Ty) recently visited the studio for their first-year session! This was our third session together. I had the pleasure of capturing their maternity and newborn photos as well.

The whole session was like a fun play date. Everyone in the family was excited about the birthday cake and baby bath! We showcased the kind and loving nature of their family, with lots of photos playing, interacting, and laughing. 

We created an embossed leather heirloom album and two framed wall portraits from Ty’s first-year session. 

1. Preparing ahead for newborn photos

You'll want to plan ahead to capture newborn photos with your new arrival because once they get here, it can be a whirlwind!

You connect so much with your little one at this time, and you'll look back at newborn photos a year from this time, shocked at how much they've grown.

Capture their sweet, curled up poses, swaddled up in a blanket. Focus on snuggling with baby, and noticing how small their hands, feet and toes are.

2. Enjoying the "enchanted months"

Your little one will start to get into a rhythm of sleeping and eating around 3 months old, and you'll see them start to work some new muscles. Many babies smile regularly at this time to communicate with you, too!

Enjoy some tummy time with Baby and give them space to wiggle around. Talk to Baby, smile at them, and encourage them to play to have them smile back at you.

3. Sitting and smiling

At around 6 months old, Baby will probably be sitting up and very active! They'll start to reach for their toes, grab and play with toys, sit up and give us a smile.

To capture some smiley moments, start to notice what makes your child giggle the most. Don't be afraid to focus on those actions to get them smiling.

4. Giving the freedom to explore

The crawling stage can come at different times for all babies, but by nine months many little ones are on the move. Encourage your baby to explore the space, play with their toys or follow their siblings around.

You'll get to see Baby enjoying some freedom and independence, which make for very fun photos indeed.

5. Celebrating the first birthday

For Baby's first birthday, focus on celebrating how much they've grown and the milestones you've all achieved this first year!

Enjoy some play time, treats, snuggling, you name it. Have some fun with your 1-year-old and let the moments unfold before you.

When you invest in photos of your baby’s first-year milestones, you give yourself the freedom to fully participate in those milestones too.
— Reflections

With the First Year Collective photography experience, you get to be completely in the moment with your baby. There's no worries about the responsibility of taking all the pictures yourself. Only joy at being able to look back at moments you shared with your family.

The First Year Collective combines three to four photo sessions between the Maternity stage and baby's first birthday. It includes our signature Reflections services like makeup and hair styling for Mom, and wardrobe for the whole family.

You deserve to be a part of your baby's story, so let me take care of preserving your memories so you can fully experience them. Contact me today to get an Information Package about a First Year Collective program for you and your family!


An abundance mindset on motherhood


Turning Memories Into Family Treasures