The Newborn Announcement

Imagine you’re lying in the hospital bed, holding your precious newborn in your arms. You feel such a sense of peace, now that you’ve been able to see him or her for the first time. You can see they’re safe there with you, hear them breathe and watch them move their tiny little arms and legs. You’d love to shout it from the rooftops, to announce all those details, how much he or she weighed, or what day your long awaited baby was born on.

I've had these gorgeous blocks available in the studio for a few months now, but I just had to get out here and show you how wonderful they are. They're one inch thick, and they stand alone, with no need for framing.

Once you have your baby, you quickly realize that there’s just no time to fully convey your joy to each and every one of your loved ones. A wonderful way to make them feel special, and give them a keepsake they’ll enjoy is to give out a custom card, personalized with your baby’s images and birth information. I suggest doing one of these blocks for yourself, and a set of cards for your friends and family.


For The First Time | Top Ten Favourite Newborn Images


Words From A Pregnant Mama